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Angelica's Angelic Ring (Common)


Angelica's Angelic Ring (Common)

Angelica's Angelic Ring (Common)

Equip only to a monster you control equipped with an Equip Card. You can only control 1 Angelica's Angelic Ring. Each turn, negate the effect of your opponent's first Spell Card or effect that resolves. Once per turn, while this card is equipped to a monster: You can gain 500 LP, then destroy this card, and if you do, your opponent cannot target the monster this card was equipped to with card effects, while it is face-up in the Monster Zone.

Spell Card
Spell Card
Large image
nAssocProdRefSID = '' ? 296 : 0; function displayStock() { var sProdRefs = ""; var sStockList = ""; getProductStock('/cgi-bin/st000001.pl', 'AGOV-EN065', sStockList, ''); } displayStock();

KK Price: £0.10

In Stock in stock

Equip only to a monster you control equipped with an Equip Card. You can only control 1 Angelica's Angelic Ring. Each turn, negate the effect of your opponent's first Spell Card or effect that resolves. Once per turn, while this card is equipped to a monster: You can gain 500 LP, then destroy this card, and if you do, your opponent cannot target the monster this card was equipped to with card effects, while it is face-up in the Monster Zone.
Type:Spell Card
Attributes:Spell Card

In Stock in stock

KK Price: £0.10