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Gaia The Fierce Knight


Gaia The Fierce Knight

Gaia The Fierce Knight

A powerful Warrior Monster who comes into his own when fused with Curse of Dragon to form the powerful Gaia the Dragon Champion

Ultra Rare

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KK Price: £5.05

In Stock in stock

A powerful Warrior Monster who comes into his own when fused with Curse of Dragon to form the powerful Gaia the Dragon Champion
Although many Fusion Monsters are not that powerful, the fact that they are treated as a Special Summons and can be selected from the separate Fusion Deck by simply having the Fusion Material Monsters plus Polymerisation in your hand (or on the field), makes them a very useful way of getting extra monster cards out, especially more powerful ones where no sacrifice is needed. They also help to keep your main deck slim and powerful. Use our search capability to find the right power Fusion Monsters to suit you.
Rarity:Ultra Rare

In Stock in stock

KK Price: £5.05