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Left Arm of the Forbidden One


Left Arm of the Forbidden One

Left Arm of the Forbidden One

If at any time during the duel you hold all 5 pieces of Exodia the Forbidden One in your hand (or on the field), you win the duel. You are only allowed one of each piece of Exodia in your deck in official tournaments

Ultra Rare

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KK Price: £37.95

In Stock in stock

If at any time during the duel you hold all 5 pieces of Exodia the Forbidden One in your hand (or on the field), you win the duel. You are only allowed one of each piece of Exodia in your deck in official tournaments
Exodia based decks require careful building and need to be at the 40 card minimum. Cards like Graceful Charity, Pot of Greed and Witch of the Black Forest are essential to getting the Exodia pieces into your hand. Watch out for Card Destruction! See our deck construction section for more information
Rarity:Ultra Rare

In Stock in stock

KK Price: £37.95