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Mystical Space Typhoon (Ultra Rare)


Mystical Space Typhoon (Ultra Rare)

Mystical Space Typhoon (Ultra Rare)

This powerful Ultra Rare Magic Card allows you to destroy one Magic or Trap Card on the field. See also official Tournament Ruling text in pop-up by clicking on card image.


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KK Price: £0.40

In Stock in stock

This powerful Ultra Rare Magic Card allows you to destroy one Magic or Trap Card on the field. See also official Tournament Ruling text in pop-up by clicking on card image.
Quick-Play Spell Cards can be activated during a battle phase as well as during a Main Phase. If you set this card on the field you can also activate it during your opponent's turn like a Normal Trap Card. Although this card can destroy 1 card, it cannot negate the effect of the destroyed card, even if you chain the card. For example, if you set this card and activate it in your opponent’s turn against Raigeki, all your monsters are destroyed because the effect of Raigeki is not negated (US official Tournament Ruling).
Properties:Quick Play

In Stock in stock

KK Price: £0.40