New Challengers introduces cards used by Yuma Tsukumo, Astral, Yuya Sakaki, Yuzu Hiragi, Noboru Gongenzaka, Sora Shiun'in, Yuto and Nash and contains members and/or support for the Fusion, Goblin, Machina, Melodious, Naturia, Number, Performapal, Shaddoll, Superheavy Samurai, tellarknight, Xyz, Burning Abyss, CXyz and Yang Zing archetypes.
New Challengers introduces cards used by Yuma Tsukumo, Astral, Yuya Sakaki, Yuzu Hiragi, Noboru Gongenzaka, Sora Shiun'in, Yuto and Nash and contains members and/or support for the Fusion, Goblin, Machina, Melodious, Naturia, Number, Performapal, Shaddoll, Superheavy Samurai, tellarknight, Xyz, Burning Abyss, CXyz and Yang Zing archetypes. There are 14 great cards in the Special Edition Set.